Turkish Bath In Altinkum
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Turkish bath
Before you start your holiday or if you would like to get a better tan, then you need to visit turkish bath asap!
After a tukish bath in altinkum you will fee like a new person!
Traditionally, a whole range of paraphernalia is associated with the hamam. The pestamal, a colourful, checked cloth which is wrapped around the waist by men is still in use. Takunya, or wooden clogs, often inlaid or carved, have generally been replaced by plastic flip-flops. Soap, shampoo and other toiletries were carried in hand crafted copper or even gold plated tarak kutusu, literally comb boxes, and a copper tap was used to pour water over the bather. While some of these are no longer used, they are still widely available to buy, and are guaranteed to add to the pleasure of the hamam experience.
A Turkish bath is one of the most relaxing things that you can do whilst in Altinkum. Starting with a lovely hot sauna where you feel all your muscles relax, to the warmed marble table where you receive first your scrub down to get rid of old skin (ideal to start your tanning) and then on to the relaxing soap foam massage. You can also have a head shampoo massage and after some relaxation time, the Turkısh bath is finıshed off wıth a moisturising oil massage. Feeling relaxed and revitalized when you leave.
Day: Everyday
Openning Hours From: 10:00 - 22:00