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Region: # Nevşehir

Map Location

Nevşehir, Aydın
Latitude:37.367973 Longitude:27.266693


Highlights: Devrent Valley ( Imagination Valley), Pasabag (known as monk valley) Lunch at Avanos, Red river ( Kızılırmak), Goreme open air museum, Uchisar castle, Rose Valley, Cavusin, Pigeons Valley, Kaymakli Underground City, Ortahisar Natural Rock Castle, Derinkuyu underground city,Melendiz River, Selime Cathedral.

2 Night 3 Day Tour (2 night in b.b hotel)

Day 1: we will leave from Altınkum, Didim ,Akbük at about 07:00 there will be 3 stops, at about 17:00 we will arrive Cappadocia to our hotel in örgüp.On the way to cappadocia we will beable to see alot of cities,towns,and villages such as Aydın, Denizli, Afyon, Konya, Aksaray, Nevşehir-Niğde-Kayseri.Day 2: Göreme open air museum, the three beauties, devrent valley and paşabağ chimneys. Day 3: Avanos, kaymaklı underground city, uçhisar, çavuşin,ortahisar,red valley, and selimiye manastry.

PACKAGESPackage 1 : £159 ( all transportation 2 night at b.b hotel, 2 dinner, 2 breakfast and tour guide)

Package 2 : include 1th package plus all entrance fees. £189

Package 3 : include 1th 2th package plus baloon £309

Package 4 : include 1th 2th 3th plus cave hotel. £ 329

Package 5 : ( all transportation 2 night at Stone hotel, 2 open buffet dinner and breakfast and guidning) £ 179

* Goreme Open-Air Museum - A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Goreme is an ancient town carved right out of the rock (tufa); you'll explore Byzantine-era churches, chapels and monasteries which house wonderfully-preserved 11th- and 12th-century cave frescoes.

* Fairy Chimneys--This strange geological phenomenon was created over millions of years, and were formed during regional volcanic eruptions. Reaching at times 40 meters in height, they are conical in shape and have a whimsical "hat" top to them.

* Zelve Valley--This valley is known as "the pink valley" because of the color of its soil. This is a lovely place to wander aboutand really take in the magical rock formations indicative to Cappadocia, including the Fairy Chimneys.

* Uchisar Castle, also known as Uchisar Fortress, is actually a formation of two gigantic rocks surrounded by smaller ones that together, form a natural fortress with towers. These formations were inhabited during both the Byzantine and Ottoman periods.

If time permits, we'll also visit local crafts people and learn the special art of making dolls and traditional pottery.

* Underground City of Kaymaklı--You'll gradually make your way down into the depths of the earth of this ancient settlement that has 18-20 floors which boast depths as long as 40 meters. (Don't worry, we'll only go down to the 5th floor!) Youll marvel at the fact that Kaymakl is just one of 36 Cappadocian underground cities, which archaeologists date back to the time of the Hittites around 4,000 years ago. * Ihlara Gorge is an oasis in the middle of the Anatolian plain. We'll explore the canyon and take in the beautiful green scenery as we stroll casually alongside the river. Here, you'll see ancient monasteries complete with pigeon holes carved into the cliffs by the monks; the pigeons acted as messengers to communicate with neighboring monks!

Cappadocia Balloon Tours


Sunrise from the BalloonCappadocia is known around the world as one of the best places to fly with hot air balloons. The spectacular surrealistic landscapes combined with excellent flying conditions allow the balloons to gently drift over and between fairy chimneys, pigeon houses hewn into the unique rock formations, orchards and vineyards – through impressive valleys, each with distinctive rock formations, colors and features – and then float up over rippled ravines for breathtaking views over the region.

We offer 3 different types of balloon flights in Cappadocia – according to flight duration and services.


The Standard Balloon Tour offers a minimum one-hour flight time in the air. You will be collected from your hotel early in the morning, usually before sunrise and driven to the take-off site.While you are having a light breakfast, youInflation of the balloon will watch the inflation of the balloon then get a passenger briefing which explains basic rules & safety measures for the balloon flight. Then it's time to climb into the basket and highlight of your Turkey trip begins! The take off is gentle – soon you'll be taking hundreds of pictures over the valleys of Cappadocia. After the flight lands, there is a small celebration with champagne and you will receive your flight certificate. You will be driven back to your hotel around 08:30am just in time for breakfast, going on a daily tour or a nap.

Whirling Derviches Ceremony

Sema is is the inspiration of Mevlânâ Celâleddin-i Rumî (1207 - 1273) as well as part of Turkish custom, history, beliefs and culture It symbolizes in seven parts the different meanings of a mystic cycle to perfection (Ascension - Mirac). Contemporary science definitely confirms that the fundamental condition of our existence is to revolve. There is no object, no being which does not revolve and the shared similarity among beings is the revolution of the electrons and protons in the atoms, which constitute the structure of the smallest particle to the stars far in the sky. As a consequence of this similarity, every thing revolves and man carries on his life, his very existence by means of the revolution in the atoms, structural elements in his body, bye the circulation of his blood, bye his coming from the Earth and return to it, by his revolving with the Earth itself.However, all of these are natural, unconscious revolutions. But man is the processor of a mind and intelligence which distinguished him from and makes him superior to other beingsThus the whirling dervish or Semâzen causes the mind to participate in the shared similarity and revolution of all other beings.- The Semâ ceremony represents all a mystical journey of man's spiritual ascent through love, deserts his ego, finds the truth and arrives to the Perfect. Then he returns from this spiritual journeys as a man who reached maturity and a greater perfection, so as to love and to be of service to the whole creation, to all creatures without discriminating in regard to belief, class, or race The dervish with his head-dress(his ego's tombstone), his white skirt (his ego's shroud) is spiritually born to the truth, by removing his black cloak, he journeys and advances to spiritual maturity through the stages of the Semâ. At the onset and each stage of the Semâ holding his arms crosswise he represents number one, and testifies to God's unity. While whirling his arms are open, his right hand directed to the sky ready to receive God's beneficence, gazing his left hand turned toward the earth, he turns from right to left, pivoting around the heart. This is his way of conveying God's spiritual gift to the people upon whom God looks with a Divine watchfulness. Revolving around the heart, from right to left, he embraces all of humankind, all the creation with affection and love.

Tour Information and Itenary

Tour Rate From Altinkum Per Person €145 £ 159

Included: Non-Smoking A/C Transportation,Pick up & drop-off, Professional guide, (0-6 Age Free 7-12 % 20• Pick up to/from Altınkum (didim)hotel.h.b.

• 2 Full Tour of cappadocia

• Services charges and local taxes.

• 2 Night in b.b Hotel (taşsaray)

Not Included: Drinks, tips to guide, driver and personal expenses and optional tours, balloon and derviş ceremony. entrance fees of ihlara, göreme and dervent Valley.

*Ask for private rates from altınkum and other cities.

Dep : 07:00

Payment: We accept all credit cards, pounds, Euro, USD and cash





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